The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently approved a minor use label expansion registration for Lorox L herbicide for control or suppression of labelled weeds in celery in Canada. Lorox L herbicide was already labeled for management of weeds on a wide range of crops in Canada. This minor use proposal was submitted by the registrant, Tessenderlo Kerley Inc. (TKI), to reinstate the use following a phase-out originally announced in RVD2020-10 after new supporting information was submitted to PMRA for review.
The following is provided as an abbreviated, general outline only. Users should be making weed management decisions within a robust integrated weed management program and should consult the complete label before using Lorox L herbicide.

Follow all other precautions, restrictions, and directions for use on the Lorox L herbicide label carefully.
For a copy of the new minor use label contact your local extension specialist, regional supply outlet, or visit the PMRA label site http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/pest/registrant-titulaire/tools-outils/label-etiq-eng.php
Source: ON Vegetable News March 10, 2025 newsletter