The winners from Farm & Food Care’s The Real Dirt on Farming Photo Contest are to be congratulated for capturing special moments in agriculture across the country. There were hundreds of entries submitted across six different categories.
The Farm to Plate category prize winners are notable for their entries that highlighted horticulture. Megan Rae won first prize for a shot of strawberries. Cassi Brunswald, second place winner, showcased a basket of strawberries in the field row. Donna Rogers won third prize for her shot of market vegetables.
The contest was launched earlier in 2023 with $4000 in cash prizes available for winners.
The six categories were: All about Animals, Canadian Farm Scenes, Crazy about Crops, Faces Behind Food & Farming, Farm to Plate and Farm Innovation. A. total of 18 prizes will be awarded recognizing the top three photos in each of the six categories.
Winning photos will be featured in Farm & Food Care’s sixth edition of The Real Dirt on Farming, a national publication that answers common questions about food and farming practices in Canada. The Real Dirt on Farming is produced, collectively, by Farm & Food Care organizations in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island. The sixth edition of The Real Dirt on Farming will be released in November at the 2023 FFCO Harvest Gala.
Source: Farm & Food Care Ontario November 1, 2023 news release