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Ontario ginseng growers to diversify markets
Ontario ginseng growers to diversify markets

Federal market development funds of up to $850,000 will help Ontario ginseng growers increase and diversify exports to international markets and seize domestic market opportunities through industry-led promotional activities.


These activities will help differentiate Canadian products and producers, and leverage Canada’s reputation for high-quality and safe food. The Ontario association will achieve these goals through market analysis of new and existing markets such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, India, Vietnam and other European markets.


In addition, this investment will also help to promote growth opportunities in new markets by increasing Ontario Ginseng Growers Association’s on-line presence and educating consumers about the superior quality of Ontario-grown ginseng.


"The match funding provided through the Agri-Marketing program for the 2021-2023 term comes at a crucial time for the Ontario Ginseng Growers Association,” says Rebecca Coates, executive director. “The financial contribution the ginseng industry makes to Canada’s export economy as well as the local economy has been hampered by geo-political tensions and pandemic lockdowns. This funding allows the association the opportunity to expand awareness in new and diverse markets. With increased concern for health & wellness world-wide, the OGGA is better positioned to promote to the health-conscious; the benefits of including Canadian ginseng in their daily lives."


About 90 per cent of Canadian-grown ginseng is exported, and 95 per cent of those exports are destined for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, where ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. New markets are emerging in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, India and Vietnam where focus on physical well-being is increasing.


Source:  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada March 24, 2022 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 24 March 2022