Research efforts have been underway to monitor spotted lanternfly (SLF) and assess risk to Ontario agriculture. To date,no SLF have been identified at any of the trapping locations, but trapping is still ongoing.
A project led by Dr. Wendy McFadden-Smith was conducted from April 2022 to February 2023 with funding provided by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) through the Marketing Vineyard Improvement Program (MVIP).
The spotted lanternfly (SLF) damages grape crops by decreasing vigour and cold hardiness and can reduce crop yields by up to 90 per cent. Research out of Pennsylvania also revealed that SLF can decrease fruit quality by affecting brix and anthocyanins. The objective of this project was to determine whether the SLF is present in southern Ontario. To accomplish this, 110 Bug Barrier band traps for trapping SLF were deployed at 42 locations across Ontario. These locations included Niagara, Essex County, Pelee Island, Prince Edward County, Ottawa Valley, London area, Royal Botanical Gardens, Long Point Provincial Park and OnRoute centers at Woodstock,Ingersoll and Tilbury.
Locations were visited every two to three weeks and inspected for SLF nymphs/adults and trees were inspected for egg masses as well as symptoms of SLF feeding.
Research on this topic is continuing through MVIP for the 2023-24 funding year, however this project is being led by Dr. Debbie Inglis at Brock University’s CCOVI, with consultation from Dr. McFadden-Smith.
If you think you have found a plant pest, please REPORT IT to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
For more information on the “Spotted Lanternfly Monitoring and Risk Assessment”
MVIP projects, please visit: www.ontariograpeandwineresearch.com/en/mvip.
For information on additional OGWRI funded research projects please visit:
Source: Grape Growers of Ontario June 2, 2023 newsletter