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Update on the PMRA’s re-evaluation and special review work plan

PMRA is intending to publish proposed and final decisions for 15 active ingredients in the 2024/25 fiscal year.
PMRA is intending to publish proposed and final decisions for 15 active ingredients in the 2024/25 fiscal year.

Every year, the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) provides a summary in its annual report on upcoming re-evaluation and special review decisions for crop protection products that are of value to the fruit and vegetable sector.


Since circulating FVGC’s report in March, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has published its 2024 /2025 workplan (Re-evaluation Note REV2024-01).

Below are relevant updates that are expected to impact upcoming regulatory decisions from July 2024 to April 2025.


  1. Delays to final or proposed decision: Notable delays include final decisions for Chlorothalonil (delayed until March 2025) and Atrazine (delayed until July-September of 2025). The proposed decision for Dicamba is now targeted for January 2025.


  1. Delay to cumulative health assessment for organophosphates: The PMRA has delayed publication of its project plan for assessing cumulative health risks of organophosphates until October 2024. This document is expected to provide an anticipated re-evaluation timeline and scope for the PMRA’s assessment.


  1. Proportional effort to apply to re-evaluations initiated from April 2024 onwards: The PMRA will be consulting on its proportional effort policy this summer and the outcome of this consultation will be used by the PMRA to prioritize and streamline re-evaluations that are expected to be initiated in the upcoming year.


In total, the PMRA is intending to publish proposed and final decisions for 15 active ingredients in the 2024/25 fiscal year. Details pertaining to a specific active can be viewed by consulting the tables below.  


Awaiting a Final Decision 
Active Ingredient Group Trade Name Product Type Consultation Type Horticultural Food Uses Status Update
Abamectin Group 6 AVID, AGRI-MEK Insecticide / Miticide Cyclical Review GH tomatoes, GH peppers, GH cucumbers, apples, pears, caneberries (Subgroup 13-07A), strawberries, celery, potatoes, grapes, bulb onions (Subgroup 3-07A), green onion (Subgroup 3-07B)  Proposed acceptable for continued use with mitigation measures (PRVD2023-01). 

Final decision decision targeted for 2025 (April - June).
Atrazine Group 5 AATREX LIQUID 480 Herbicide Special Review Sweet corn Proposed to cancel products containing atrazine in granular fertilizers. 

All other products are acceptable for continued use with mitigation measures (PSRD2023-01). 

Final decision delayed until 2025 (July-September)
Azoxystrobin Group 11 QUADRIS, FLINT, QUILT, DYNASTY, AZOSHY, AZOXYSTAR, ZOXY, AZteroid, VIKING, FBN AZOXY, ADVANTAGE AZOXY Fungicide Cyclical Review Succulent shelled pea and bean, potatoes, field tomatoes, sweet corn, ginseng, asparagus, spinach, carrots, daikon, rutabaga, turnip, garden beet, radish, ground cherries, cabbage, cranberries, celery, grapes, pome fruits group, potatoes,  strawberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes, cucurbit vegetables, GH and outdoor ornamentals

Seed treatment for various crops. 
Proposed acceptable for continued use with mitigation measures (PRVD2023-02)

Final decision is scheduled for 2026 (July - September)
Chlorothalonil Group M5 BRAVO, ECHO   Special Review Carrot, celery, parsnip, potato, onions (dry bulb & green bunching), cole crops (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage), tomatoes (processing), asparagus, highbush blueberries, cherry (sweet & sour), sweet corn, peach, nectarine, cranberry, outdoor ornamentals, cucurbit vegetables,  Proposed to cancel all uses except on GH ornamentals due to health and environmental risks (PSRD2022-01). 

Final decision delayed until  March 2025. 
Flufenacet Group 15 DEFINE DF, AXIOM DF, FLUFENACET 60% WATER-DISPERSIBLE GRANULAR HERBICIDE Herbicide  Cyclical Review Corn Proposed to cancel all products and uses (PRVD2021-01). 

Final decision targeted for August 2024.   
Fosetyl aluminum Group PO7 ALIETTE Fungicide Special Review Apples, ginseng, red/black raspberries, blackberries, cranberry, grapes, strawberries, lettuce, greenhouse lettuce in BC, spinach, onions, brassica head and stem vegetables (crop group 5-13) and brassica leafy vegetables (crop group 4-13b), greenhouse-grown brassica head and stem vegetable transplants (crop group 5-13), greenhouse-grown  brassica leafy green transplants (crop subgroup 4-13b), kohlrabi, rutabaga, Belgian endive, highbush blueberries, Proposed acceptable for continued use with mitigation measures (PSRD2023-02)

Final decision is targeted for August 2024.
Tebuconazole Group 3 FOLICUR Fungicide Cyclical Review Asparagus Proposed acceptable for continued use with mitigation measures (PRVD2021-08).

Final decision delayed until September 2024



Proposed Decision

Active Ingredient Group Trade Name Product Type Consultation Type Horticultural Food Uses Status Update
Famoxadone Group 11 TANOS Fungicide Cyclical Review Potatoes, field tomatoes, caneberries Proposed decision delayed until February 2025
Potassium bicarbonate N/A MILSTOP, SIROCCO  Fungicide Cyclical Review Vegetable crops in greenhouses, field cucurbits (cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, squash), stone fruits (peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, prune), greenhouse and field strawberries, greenhouse and field herbs and spices, mint, grapes (conventional and organic), artichokes, greenhouse lettuce and field peppers, apples Proposed decision delayed until February 2025
Pydiflumetofen Group 7 MIRAVIS, POSTERITY, A19649 Fungicide Special Review Potato, root and tuber vegetables (crop subgroup 1a), tuberous and corm vegetables, leaves of root and tuber vegetables, bulb brassica leafy vegetables, brassica head and stem vegetables, fruiting vegetables, cucurbit vegetables, pome fruits, blueberries (lowbush) - sprouting year, peaches (crop subgroup 12-09b), cherries   (crop subgroup 12-09a, stone fruits (crop group 12-09),  greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse peppers and greenhouse lettuce, sweet corn Proposed decision targeted for November 2024. 
Streptomyces lydicus strain WYEC108 N/A ACTINOVATE SP
Fungicide Cyclical Review field and greenhouse strawberry, field and greenhouse pepper, field and greenhouse cucurbit vegetables (Crop Group 9), field and greenhouse tomato, grape, greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse lettuce, greenhouse fruiting vegetables, high and lowbush blueberry, strawberry Proposed decision targeted for December 2024. 
Sulphur Group M KUMULUS, MICROWETTABLE,  MICROSCOPIC WETTABLE SULPHUR,  Fungicide Cyclical Review Apple, pear, peach, plum, sweet cherry, sour cherry, grapes, greenhouse tomato and pepper, currents, gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry, rutabaga, saskatoon berry, greenhouse eggplant, greenhouse strawberry,  Proposed decision targeted for March 2025. 
Fatty Acid Cluster N/A AXXE Herbicide  Cyclical Review Food crops, greenhouses Proposed decision delayed until January 2025. 
Dicamba Group 4 BANVEL  Herbicides  Special Review Blueberries (lowbush) Proposed decision delayed until January 2025. 
Nonylphenoxy polyethoxy ethanol N/A AGRAL 90, AG-SURF Surfactant Cyclical Review Non-ionic spreading agent for use with pesticides including those applied to fruit and vegetables Proposed decision delayed until March 2025. 



Christina Turi is manager, plant health and crop protection, Fruit & Vegetable Growers of Canada.


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Submitted by Anonymous on 25 June 2024