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Cherry crop
Cherry crop

Bayer is bringing Luna Sensation, a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide with the active ingredients of fluopyram and trifloxystrobin (Groups 7 & 11 respectively), to horticulture growers in Canada. The product is currently registered for leafy green and petiole vegetables and brassica leafy vegetables with more crop labels on the way.


Luna Sensation is already registered for many crops in the U.S. where George Musson, product development manager, offers first-hand experience.


“The crop label is for both fruits and vegetables,” says Musson.  The list includes Brassica leafy vegetables, leafy green/petiole vegetables, stone fruit, low-growing berries (strawberries and low-bush blueberries) cucurbits, root vegetables and hops.


The fungicide is especially helpful at time of fruit bloom, preventatively applied anywhere from closed buds through pink tip to petal fall. Company data show improvements to fruit set and ultimately yields. The product has high efficacy on closed buds in a pre-bloom application for improved control of Botrytis and Monilia, particularly when blossom staging is inconsistent.


Another observation by Musson is the post-harvest disease benefits, specifically improved control of latent disease during storage.


“When Luna Sensation is used in an in-season spray program, we’ve seen dramatic reductions in storage losses after harvest,” says Musson. “It’s a testament to the disease control ability of the product. The better the disease control in the field, the less storage loss at harvest.”


Luna Sensation is the second product in the Luna family to be brought to Canada. The other, Luna Tranquility, has been used by apple, potato, onion growers and more for the past three to five years.


The goal of bringing Luna Sensation to the Canadian market is to provide access to Luna for crops that aren’t covered by the current registrations on the Luna Tranquility label.

Bayer will have a booth at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention, February 21 and 22, at Scotiabank Conference Centre, Niagara Falls. Look for booth 814/816.

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 20 December 2017