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Ontario’s agriculture minister Ernie Hardeman has appointed Dave Hope to be chair of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers’ Board, effective immediately. The announcement was made at the end of the January 30-31 annual general meeting in London. 


According to the statement: “As a former mixed livestock farmer raised on an eighth-generation farm in Ontario, Dave has extensive agriculture experience, in addition to his years of service working for the Ontario government at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. I have had the pleasure of working with Dave and am confident that with his knowledge and experience, Dave and the Board will further advance the processing vegetable industry in Ontario.”


Update: He replaces Suzanne van Bommel who tendered her resignation to take the role of regulated marketing advisor to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission. Her two-year term would have ended in September 2019.


Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs January 31, 2019 statement 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 1 February 2019