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The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion registration for Milstop foliar fungicide for suppression of powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca spp., Erysiphe spp., Podosphaera spp. on field and greenhouse grown herbs (CG-25) and field grown spices (CG-26). This product was already labeled for management of insects on a wide range of crops in Canada. This minor use proposal was submitted by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs as a result of minor use priorities established by growers and extension personnel. 


Users should be making disease management decisions within a robust integrated disease management program and should consult the complete label before using Milstop foliar fungicide.


















GREENHOUSE APPLICATION: Apply at a rate of 0.28 to 0.56 kilograms per 1000 sq. m. or 1/10 hectare. Use a sufficient volume of spray solution to obtain complete coverage of foliage and stems. Uniform and complete coverage of the foliage is essential for the most effective results. Spray volume per unit of treated area can vary depending upon plant type and stage of development. Number of applications will depend upon disease pressure. Do not exceed a use rate of 0.56 kilograms of Milstop foliar fungicide per 1000 sq. m. or 1/10 hectare, per application. DO NOT STORE UNUSED SPRAY SOLUTION.  DISPOSE OF UNUSED SOLUTION ON SITE.


FIELD/OUTDOOR APPLICATION: Apply at a rate of 2.8 to 5.6 kilograms of Milstop  foliar fungicide per hectare. Use a minimum water volume of 500 L/ha to obtain complete coverage of foliage, stems and fruit. Uniform and complete coverage of the foliage, stems and fruit are essential for the most effective results. Spray volume per hectare can vary depending upon plant type and stage of development. Concentration of spray solution and frequency of application will depend upon disease pressure. Do not exceed a use rate of 5.6 kilograms of Milstop foliar fungicide per hectare per application. DO NOT STORE UNUSED SPRAY SOLUTION. DISPOSE OF UNUSED SOLUTION ON SITE.


Herbs and spice varieties may vary in their tolerance to pest control products, including Milstop foliar fungicide.  Since not all herbs and spice varieties have been tested for tolerance to this product, first use of Milstop foliar fungicide should be limited to a small area of each variety to confirm tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice.  Additionally, consult your seed supplier for information on the tolerance of specific varieties of herbs and spice varieties to Milstop foliar fungicide.


Follow all other precautions, restrictions, and directions for use on the Milstop foliar fungicide label carefully.


For Ontario growers, a copy of the new minor use label can be sourced through Sean Westerveld, ginseng and herbs specialist, OMAFRA, Simcoe (519) 420-7440, your regional supply outlet, or visit the PMRA label site


Source:  Josh Mosiondz, minor use coordinator, OMAFRA


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 29 June 2022