Farm & Food Care Ontario’s (FFCO) 2023-2024 board executive has been chosen, following a successful annual conference.
Crispin Colvin, representing the Ontario Federation of Agriculture on the FFCO board, has been elected chair for a one-year term. Janelle Cardiff, nominated by Egg Farmers of Ontario, will serve as first vice-chair, and Jennifer Mitchell,nominated by Ontario Canola Growers, as second vice-chair. John Taylor, nominated by the Ontario Mutual InsuranceAssociation, has been re- elected as treasurer. Bonnie den Haan steps into the role of past chair.
This meeting follows the board elections that took place at the organization’s annual conference on April 13, 2023. Newly elected or re-elected directors in the board’s Livestock, Crop/Horticultural and At Large categories include:
- Janelle Cardiff, Egg Farmers of Ontario
- Crispin Colvin, Ontario Federation of Agriculture
- Bonnie den Haan, Sheldon Creek Dairy
- Mark Hamel, Dairy Farmers of Ontario
- Joe Hickson, Ontario Seed Growers’ Association
- Steve Lake, Grain Farmers of Ontario
- Quintin McEwen, Ontario Sheep Farmers
- Jennifer Mitchell, Ontario Canola Growers
- Nicki Scott, Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association and Ontario Potato Board
- John Taylor, Ontario Mutual Insurance Association
- Andrea Veldhuizen, Chicken Farmers of Ontario
- Jason Leblond, Beef Farmers of Ontario (Ex Officio)
Retiring director Brian Gilroy, who served on the board for the last 10 years, and as the board’s chair from 2016 to 2018, was thanked for his years of service and commitment to the organization.
Farm & Food Care Ontario is a coalition of farmers and food partners proactively working together to build publictrust and consumer confidence in our food and farming systems. For more information visit: www.FarmFoodCareON.org.
Source: Farm & Food Care Ontario April 18, 2023 news release