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Photo courtesy of Rhys Casey
Photo courtesy of Rhys Casey

Drought is a "creeping phenomenon" — difficult to define and measure, slow to develop, continuous, cumulative, and long lasting say experts at the Canadian Drought Monitor. “There is no universally applicable tool for measuring drought; as impacts are non-structural, spread over large areas, and best described by multiple indices.”


With this definition in mind, it’s too early to use the term “drought” in Maritime Canada. The Canadian Drought Monitor will update the geographical map by mid-June when it’s likely to confirm anecdotal evidence of abnormally dry conditions in the Maritimes.


“We need rain now,” says Greg Donald, general manager, PEI Potato Board, who commented on the 30°C temperature on June 1. “Virtually all of the potato crop has yet to emerge. It’s still early to get a good handle on planted acres but we expect the number to be similar to 2022.”  


Donald says that PEI received about a quarter of normal rainfall in April and a third to half of normal rainfall in May. These conditions have allowed good planting progress, with about 90 per cent of acres planted. This timing is about five to seven days ahead of normal. The weather forecast for the week of June 5 is for cooler temperatures and light rain.


Back in Nova Scotia, the cold snap in February 2023 has damaged stone fruit orchards. “We expect minimal, if any crop from those fruit trees this year,” says Emily Lutz, executive director, Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association.


It’s a smaller bloom in apples but looking like an average crop,” Lutz reports. “It’s been warm and extremely dry, which has meant good pollination during bloom, but not great for new plantings and younger orchards without irrigation. There is some rain in the forecast which we are very much looking forward to.” 





























Source: Canadian Drought Monitor


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 5 June 2023