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Vineland automated cukes
Vineland automated cukes

NGen in collaboration with Vineland are calling on the automation sector to help with the advancement of technologies in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industries.


Recent surveys of growers’ associations across Ontario have identified a strong need for automation due primarily to a persistent labour crisis that has been exacerbated by travel restrictions and public health regulations. 


In this May 12 webinar, Vineland’s horticulture automation team will provide insight into the automation needs of the agri-food sector and encourage Canadian technology companies to participate in removing barriers to adoption.



-  John Laughlin –CTO (NGen)

-  Gillian Sheldon –Director, Investment Partnerships (NGen)

-  Phil Stephan – VP Business & Client Development (Vineland)

-  Hussam Haroun –Director, Automation (Vineland)

-  Daniel Bath - Research Scientist (Vineland)


Date and time

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 2 pm EST




Source:  Vineland Research and Innovation Centre 


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 28 April 2021