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This year’s COVID-19 pandemic has made navigating the web of rules and regulations more difficult than ever for employers applying for temporary foreign workers. Resounding Software Inc. developed a software product that can streamline that arduous process. It’s called. Farm HR. 


About a dozen clients including fruit farms and greenhouses are using the software to organize their workers, housing and job postings says owner Cliffe Hodgkinson. The program generates a completed Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application, avoiding having to fill out the 13-page PDF document manually. The product is web-based, meaning it can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection, and there’s nothing to install or keep updated.


Built to be customizable, Farm HR allows users to record and retain all information such as SIN numbers, health cards or passport information, as well as all that Service Canada requires such as signed contracts and work permits. Users can even upload copies of documents to show compliance in the event of an audit.


“Our goal is to be a tool that helps farmers stay on top of the whole process of applying for and managing their offshore workers,” says Hodgkinson, Resounding Software Inc. “We’re staying in touch with our customers and working with them to continue to build the product around their needs.”


Most recently, the program added a “Journals” feature, allowing users to record journal entries (e.g. of ongoing health conditions), with the ability to “tag” a journal with the names of workers and/or housing properties, allowing reports to be run for a particular property, worker, or the entire operation.


Also new is WhatsApp integration. This feature, now in Beta, allows staff to send a message to all the workers in their home country when an LMIA is approved to let them know their flight information or else to notify them of training or other appointments once they’re on the job in Canada.


For more information about Farm HR, go here:


Source:  staff

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 24 August 2020