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Sylvar Technologies Inc is introducing Canadian sweet corn growers to a new mode of action – Helicovex -- in their quest to control corn earworm.


Corn earworm can be a very destructive pest arriving in growers’ fields from midsummer to fall. Growers will often combat multiple generations of this pest in a growing season based on multiple planting dates. After the adult moth lays eggs, the hatched larvae feed on the silks and move to the ear throughout their instar stages.


Helicovex is a baculovirus, a naturally occurring virus that is lethal to corn earworm larvae. Helicovex baculovirus (HearNPV) infects and kills corn earworm larvae before they can inflict serious damage on a crop. Helicovex targets only corn earworm and is safe on beneficial insects and pollinators in the crop. Infection of the larvae is from ingestion of Helicovex. Ingested virus particles multiply inside the larval body causing death. The dead larvae are liquified and release more of the infectious virus particles into the corn earworm population.


Helicovex is residue-free and provides a unique mode of action that can be used as a tank mix or rotational partner and complements a planned IRM program. The formulation of Helicovex is highly compatible with nearly all insecticide or fungicide products currently utilized by growers. Colin Smith, product and market development agronomist says, “The addition of Helicovex to the grower’s toolbox offers a new mode of action to combat potential resistance to conventional products. It can be tank mixed or applied alone providing more options for growers.”


Sylvar Technologies Inc is a member of Andermatt Biocontrol, a leading developer of biological solutions globally. Based in New Brunswick, Sylvar is actively developing biological products for insect and disease control in agriculture and forestry markets.


For additional information on Helicovex and its unique mode of action please contact Colin Smith at 519-373-6520 or


Source:  Sylvar Technologies news release 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 29 January 2019