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Chris Duyvelshoff
Chris Duyvelshoff

The Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) has selected 21 current and emerging leaders from across the province with various backgrounds to make up Class 18. The program for Class 18 will begin on September 15, 2019 at their first seminar in Oakville, Ontario.   


Eight class members are primary producers or involved in family-run farming operations. The remaining 13 come from agri-business and agri-food, financial and insurance sectors, non-government and commodity associations and provincial agencies. The class ranges in age from 26 to 54.


“The men and women selected for Class 18 by our interview panels are a diverse group of strong agriculture, food and rural leaders eager to make a difference in their businesses, organizations, industries and communities,” says Gabrielle Ferguson, leadership programs director of the Rural Ontario Institute, the organization that delivers AALP, “I am excited to see this new class selected and look forward to engaging with them over the next two years.”


Participants in AALP Class 18 are:


Betty-Jo Almond, Ariss, AgSights


David Beking, Richmond, Poultry Producer


Victoria Berry, Guelph, Grain Farmers of Ontario


Jaime Carson, London, Trouw Nutrition/Shur-Gain


Danielle Collins, Guelph, Ontario Federation of Agriculture


David Colyn, Kitchener, Trillium Mutual Insurance Company


Carolyn Cornelissen, Watford, Cornelissen Farms Inc., Grain, Oilseeds, Chicken Producer


Chris Duyvelshoff, Guelph, Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association


Emma Lackey, Navan, Ottawa Valley Farm Show


Justine Lennox, Ayton, North Wellington Co-operative


Marin MacNamara, Winchester, Bonnefield Financial, Crop Producer


Aaron McQueen, Fisherville, AA Company, Grain and Oilseeds and Sheep Producer


Beth Mitchell, Parkhill, Veterinarian Technician, Grain and Oilseeds and Pork Producer


Philip Nywening, Thamesville, Chicken and Grain and Oilseeds Producer


Scott Persall, Waterford, Grain, Oilseeds and Poultry Producer


Lisa Power, Bothwell, Corteva Agriscience, Grain and Oilseeds Producer


Maria Jose Ramirez Giraldo, Guelph, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association


Angela Reimneitz, Ingersoll, Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers


Geoffrey Smith, Guelph, Agricorp


Felix Weber, Palmerston, AgBusiness and Crop Inc.


Kaitlin Worden-Collins, Puslinch, Agrico Canada


During the 19-month program, AALP participants will come together in both in-person seminars and five online webinars – a new addition to the program. Class members will learn about leadership and organizational development practices, government and political processes, economics, social and environmental issues, trade policy, global affairs, sector and industry-related issues in Ontario and globally through North American and international study travel components.


AALP is delivered by the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI). Established in 1984, the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) has graduated almost 470 leaders who are making a positive difference across Ontario and beyond. For more information visit


Source:  AALP August 14, 2019 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 14 August 2019