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Paul Hulsbos
Paul Hulsbos

The integrated and North American nature of the greenhouse vegetable industry is brought to the fore with NatureFresh Farms announcing a procurement manager based in Mexico. He is Paul Hulsbos. 


With more than 21 years of experience in the agriculture industry, Paul Hulsbos will be aligning growers to support NatureFresh Farms winter programs as well as set up yearly commitments.


Originally from the Netherlands, he began his career in agriculture working at a family owned importer/exporter company and was responsible for sales and marketing of produce based in Holland. Since then, he has relocated to Mexico where he has been working to keep up with industry growth and be closer to the market.


As NatureFresh Farms focuses on company growth and developing relations, Paul Hulsbos’ presence in Mexico will strengthen intercommunication between locations in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. 


Source:  NatureFresh Farms July 18, 2019 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 18 July 2019