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Jason Verkaik
Jason Verkaik

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has appointed carrot and onion grower Jason Verkaik to the chair of Agricorp’s board of directors. 


Verkaik brings a wealth of industry experience and understanding to this role, first as the owner and operator of Carron Farms Ltd. in the Holland Marsh. Four generations of the Verkaik family have been farming, packaging and shipping farm-fresh vegetables from the Holland Marsh since 1934. 


He is a director involved with several industry associations including the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association where he is also the past chair, the Holland Marsh Growers’ Association, and the Ontario Produce Marketing Association.


Guelph-based Agricorp delivers programs and services to farmers, and is a key organization in helping farmers manage business risks.



Source:  OMAFRA April 16, 2019 news release 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 16 April 2019