The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reaffirmed the safety of glyphosate in its Interim Registration Review Decision. The agency’s review of a decade of herbicide data confirms that the active ingredient is not carcinogenic.
- Miravis is the global umbrella brand for several group 7 fungicides containing Adepidyn, the trademarked name for the active ingredient. Miravis Duo is for cucurbit and fruiting vegetables while Miravis Prime is for grapes.
- A federal court has ruled in support of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s authority to set phase-in periods for amended pesticide registrations.
- It’s important to know who’s backing your crop protection products. In continuing fall-out from company mergers, some products such as Reason are changing hands.
- Systemic fungicide Cevya will be available for the 2020 crop year.