The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) announces that Peggy Brekveld (president, Ontario Federation of Agriculture) has been acclaimed as board chair for the 2023-2025 term.
The executive committee for the new two-year term is now comprised of Peggy Brekveld (chair), Stefan Larrass (vice-chair, representing Flowers Canada Growers), Cyr Couturier (treasurer, representing Canadian Aquaculture Industry Association), Brenna Mahoney (representing Keystone Agricultural Producers) and Connie Kehler (representing Canadian Herb, Specialty Agriculture & Natural Health Products Coalition).
“The agricultural industry is a leading economic driver for the Canadian economy and provides Canada and the world with a sustainable, safe and secure supply of food and other products,” said Brekveld. “A leading issue in the industry is the labour shortage being faced across all commodities in all areas of the country. CAHRC is leading the way in addressing this shortage and ensuring the industry has the workforce and skills for now and into the future. I am very pleased to be part of the solution in the role of chair for the next two years.”
Source: Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council June 26, 2023 news release