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The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently approved a minor use label expansion registration for Eragon LQ herbicide for control or suppression of labelled weeds in raspberries and blackberries in eastern Canada and British Columbia (excluding the Peace River Region). Eragon LQ herbicide was already labeled for management of weeds on a wide range of crops in Canada. These minor use proposals were submitted by Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada’s Pest Management Centre (AAFC-PMC) as a result of minor use priorities established by growers and extension personnel


The following is provided as an abbreviated, general outline only. Users should be making weed management decisions within a robust integrated weed management program and should consult the complete label before using Eragon LQ herbicide.















Ontario growers can obtain a copy of the new minor use label by contacting Erica Pate, berry crops specialist OMAFRA, Simcoe (519) 410-0624. Or contact your regional supply outlet, or visit the PMRA label site


Source:  Josh Mosiondz, minor use coordinator, OMAFRA.

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 8 November 2022