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Staged in Berlin from 7 to 9 February 2024, Fruit Logistica, the world’s leading fruit and vegetable trade show, will present a unique event programme. Across six stages, expert speakers will share valuable perspectives on a range of essential topics, and offer intelligent, actionable insights.


The Fresh Produce Forum will focus on digitalization, AI and sustainability, and consider the potential for profitable new developments in areas such as digital marketing.


On the Future Lab stage, practical solutions abound. Vinay Kumar from VTT Technical Research Center will talk about transparent packaging materials made from dissolved cellulose; and Plant & Food Research’s new CEO Mark Piper looks at digital simulators that allow researchers to test crops before they even grow them.


For companies that want to improve their supply chains, the Logistics Hub is the perfect place to learn more. This time, the stage features a wealth of innovations: from new port security systems, advanced ripening centres, and efforts to make airflown produce greener, to new infrastructural developments in the Middle East, and expert advice on cargo claims.


Elsewhere, the Tech Stage in Hall 5.1 highlights a vast array of advanced technologies: Roland Wirth of Frigotec assesses new developments in cooling, storage and ripening.


On Friday, the Tech Stage becomes the Startup Stage and draws together some of the industry’s most exciting advances. These include: an AI-driven platform that monitors supply and demand to identify market opportunities; a pollination and yield forecasting system based on AI technology and drones; IoT-based technology to detect, control and manage pests in real time; photovoltaic greenhouse panels specifically designed to generate power but also filter light; and sustainable coatings for glass to improve lighting efficiency in greenhouses.


The Farming Forward Stage will be located in Hall 3.1 and exhibitors from the Smart Agri Area will present their insights and highlights under the title "The digital revolution in farming" on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Trade visitors can learn more about digital technologies for agriculture such as non-destructive fruit testing with spectral photography, AI technology for estimating fruit yields, digital insect monitoring and forecasting, a wireless platform for automating irrigation, post-harvest quality control with AI, drones that are revolutionizing agriculture, AI & digitalization within the fresh produce supply chain and much more.


The programme overview for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2024 is now available online.


Source: Fruit Logistica December 15, 2023 news release



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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 6 January 2024