Jeff Duc, a third-generation farmer from Niagara-on-the-Lake, has been named the 2024 Grape King.
- The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada welcomes Massimo Bergamini to lead the Ottawa-based advocacy organization.
- The British Columbia Greenhouse Growers’ Association welcomes Anju Gill as executive director in September. To fill the vacancy she left at BC Blueberry Council, Paul Pryce moves into the role of executive director.
- Geena Luckett, Wallbrook, Nova Scotia, has been named the Outstanding Young Farmer for 2024 at the regional event held in Antigonish. She is the co-owner and general manager of Luckett’s Vineyards, a 130-acre operation.
- Simon Plante and Alison Blouin of Polyculture Plante, Sainte-Pétronille, will represent Québec at the national event in Lethbridge, Alberta in November 2024.