Adama Canada has received registration for Soratel fungicide, a new tool for highbush and lowbush blueberry growers to fight Septoria leaf spot, rust and mummy berry.
- Potato grower Shawn Brenn, Waterdown moves into the chair’s role for 2023 supported by asparagus grower and vice-chair Mike Chromczak, Tilsonburg.
- Brian Gilroy, apple grower and former chair of the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association is honoured for his contributions to horticulture.
- What to put in the spray tank? Decisions are harder than ever this spring as growers seek alternatives to group M fungicides, the ones with multi-site modes of action. Label rates are changing and the amount of active ingredient allowed per acre is…
- The addition of Cervini Farms C5 facility, adjacent to its home farm in Leamington, creates a 350-acre, state-of-the-art, flagship Pure Flavor Campus.