The BC Tree Fruit Cooperative, representing 270 farm members, has announced significant investment in its Oliver facility. At the same time, the packinghouse operation will be closed in Kelowna/Lake Country after the fall 2022 season.
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency has approved a label expansion for SuffOil-X spray emulsion to help manage aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew on various crops and crop groups in Canada. Greenhouse strawberries are one example.
- A deep freeze of -26°C on January 15 has caused so much bud injury in vineyards that only half a crop is estimated for the fall of 2022. That’s a devastating hit for the sector that earned farmgate value of $110 million last year.
- The British Columbia Fruit Growers’ Association is offering an ag safety incentive to its 325 members. It’s for completing AgSafeBC’s certificate of recognition for on-farm worker safety program.
- The Produce Traceability Initiative has announced a new working group to focus on traceability, global location number and next generation data carriers for the PTI label. A redesigned website provides details and traceability implementation…