The Mission Explorium competition attracted 215 school entries from coast to coast. The mission was to build a sustainable community after landing on a deserted island.
- It’s Canadian Innovation Week! Clean Works Inc and Genecis Bioindustries Inc are the winners of the Novel Technologies Streams for the Food Waste Reduction Challenge. Each will receive up to $1 million to accelerate their proprietary solutions.
- Ontario’s asparagus growers are using cover crops to naturally control weeds and prevent soil erosion. They are also transitioning to electric versions of the harvesting carts used to pick asparagus by hand.
- More than one million dollars have been awarded by the federal government to Ontario Tender Fruit Growers to improve fruit varieties with attributes such as firmer flesh.
- Dr. Geoffrey Hawtin OBE of the U.K. and Canada and Dr. Cary Fowler of the U.S. will share the $500,000 award for their work to preserve the world’s heritage of seeds in the Arctic Circle.