Vikram Bisht, plant pathologist, Manitoba Agriculture, reports that cumulative rains from May 1 to July 2 were 170 to 226 per cent of the 30-year normal. Colorado potato beetles are also active.
- The LCBO’s early summer edition of Food & Drink magazine features a seasonal vineyard worker in Beamsville. He’s Michael Ferguson from Jamaica.
- Cumulative catastrophic weather events over the last four years have left many Okanagan fruit growers with little to no fruit to sell in the summer of 2024.
- OMAFA specialists are warning that late blight has been identified in Kent County, southwestern Ontario. While the field tomato samples are being analyzed for the specific strain, both tomato and potato growers are advised to spray with late blight…
- Kody Blois, chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, released a report in June 2024 that aligns with many of the current needs of the $8 billion sector.