Federal ag minister Lawrence MacAulay has announced $1.08 million for the Canadian Centre for Agricultural Wellbeing to develop mental health literacy education.
- BC’s 6,500 acres of cherries have a farmgate value of $200 million in a good year. But in the last five years, growers have faced an unprecedented heat dome, spring frosts, and this year, a winter freeze.
- Two project teams, among 11 selected nationwide by the Weston Family Foundation, include experts from Mucci Farms, North America’s largest grower of controlled-environment strawberries.
- The resolution encourages increased awareness of the crucial role that women farmers around the world play in agrifood systems, as well as their contributions to food security, nutrition and poverty eradication.
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s PEI science coordinator and technician are planting Mountain Gem potatoes, after a red clover plowdown last fall. This year, composted manure will be added. Guess what the harvest will weigh in cwt/acre.