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March 13, 2020 was a big news day in Canada with headlines updated every few minutes on the ramifications of COVID-19 and how citizens move about and travel. How important, then, that the Canadian Senate ratified a new United States-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement that speaks to open borders. 


“ (This) was entirely within the power of Canadian legislators to do, something we were able to do to help the Canadian economy at this challenging time, and I would like to thank legislators from all parties,” said Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister.


“Now that the USMCA has been approved by all three countries, an historic new chapter for North American trade has begun,” said U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer.


The United Fresh Produce Association also responded to Canada's ratification of the USMCA: 


"For the fresh produce industry, USMCA provides much needed certainties in the North American marketplace. This marketplace is critical to the long-term viability of our industry and we congratulate the negotiators and political leaders for moving this new agreement forward.  It will now be important to work with all three USMCA governments and industry stakeholders to ensure efficient and appropriate implementation of this new agreement."


Source:  United Fresh Produce Association March 13, 2020 statement.   

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 16 March 2020