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National and regional associations across North America are united in calling for urgent government response to the significant ongoing supply chain disruptions impacting food systems, economies, and ultimately families across the continent and worldwide. The joint statement has been forwarded to the federal-provincial-territorial agriculture ministers’ meeting scheduled for November 8-10. 


Produce challenges are amplified by the perishable nature of fresh fruits and vegetables and the very real potential that increased food insecurity could result from a failure to address the disruptions. 


Examples of ongoing supply chain disruptions include:


-  Crippling port congestion 


-  Delays and exploding costs in container shipping 


-  Cascading effects of inconsistent product delivery 


-  Continuing labour shortages 


-  Growing input shortages 


-  Stockpiling of product by consumers 


We cannot emphasize strongly enough the need for our governments to work together to address these issues in a multi-lateral and holistic manner. The examples outlined above clearly demonstrate the complexity, interconnectedness and dependencies of our supply chain and the challenges we face. It is imperative that governments work urgently with all parts of the supply chain to mitigate the serious threats of food insecurity and food shortages. These multi-faceted problems will not be resolved overnight and delays in course correction are likely to compound and further complicate the situation.


Simply put, without multilateral engagement to find solutions, these issues will create long lasting impacts to the detriment of all North American economies. Our organizations stand ready to work with governments and partners throughout the supply chain to ensure a path forward that enables the continued flow of our essential goods.


Signatories to the joint statement include:  British Columbia Produce Marketing Association, California Strawberry Commission, Canadian Horticultural Council, Canadian Produce Marketing Association, Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, Dispute Resolution Corporation, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association, Florida Tomatoes, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas, National Watermelon Association, Northwest Horticultural Council, Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association, Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers, Ontario Produce Marketing Association, Association des producteurs maraichers du Québec, Association Québécoise de la Distribution de Fruits et Legumes, Texas International Produce Association, Toronto Wholesale Produce Association, United Fresh and Western Growers.



Source:  November 4, 2021 joint statement 

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 8 November 2021