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The U.S. based National Potato Council has released its report on “The Current and Potential Impact of Expanded Potato Exports.” Currently, about 20 per cent of U.S. potato production is exported as fresh or processed product. While exports of fresh and processed potatoes to Canada remain steady, the real growth has come in Mexico. (See chart)

























 As the Michigan State University authors report, “For the most part, the major international markets for U.S. potatoes and potato products are developed but retain significant growth opportunities. Growing populations, increased access to markets and a growing global middle class provide opportunities for export growth. The major markets are Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and the Philippines.


Of these markets, Mexico and the Philippines have the most potential for growth. They have growing populations and growing economies. The populations are also comparatively young; less than six per cent of the Filipino population is aged more than 65 and only eight per cent of the Mexican population is more than 65. If this trend continues, disposable income should increase as these populations mature, allowing market expansion for potato-derived products to persist well into the future.


While Canada will likely remain a major market for U.S potatoes, growing other markets may require more targeted promotion. In addition to its proximity to the U.S. and similar tastes and preferences in food products, Canada is affluent. Its population is growing, although at a relatively slower rate than many developing markets.


Canada and Mexico are the dominant markets for fresh potatoes. Canada has traditionally been the largest market at just less than $100 million a year. Exports of fresh potatoes to Canada have slowly been declining.


The biggest rate of growth has been Mexico, where exports to Mexico more than doubled from $49.3 million in 2018/19 to $103.1 million in 2022/23 as full market access was achieved in spring of 2022.


For the report, link here:


Source:  National Potato Council/SpudNation February 26, 2024 report


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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 26 February 2024