CanadaGAP has announced its 2022 Technical Advisory Committee members. The volunteer committee serves a technical advisory role to the CanAgPlus Board of Directors. The group meets annually and holds teleconferences as needed. The Committee’s role is to review proposed updates to the CanadaGAP Food Safety manuals, HACCP models and the CanadaGAP Audit Checklist. They also review any other technical matters related to the program.
The Board appointed two new members (Grant Hackman and Kylin Han) and one returning member (Annie Gagnon) to the Technical Advisory Committee. Beth Pattillo, a director on the CanAgPlus Board, was reappointed as Committee chair. She is the food safety manager and agritourism manager for Noggins Corner Farm in Nova Scotia. All other individuals are returning members.
Nominations to the Technical Advisory Committee are accepted annually. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the nomination process each year.
For more information on the Technical Advisory Committee, visit the CanadaGAP website at: http://www.canadagap.ca/history/governance/