After BC Tree Fruit Cooperative (BCTFC) announced on August 17, 2022 that it would close the Lake Country and Kelowna packing facilities, a group of growers requisitioned for a Special General Meeting to deal with a number of important matters ranging from the composition of the board of directors, facility investments and the potential sale of properties.
This meeting was held on November 22, 2022 at the Peachland Community Centre with 70% of the 270 voting members in attendance.
“The special resolutions that were on the agenda did not receive enough votes to pass,” reports Andre Scheepers, chair of the board of directors. “It is now important that all members of the Cooperative, its Board of Directors and management come together to focus on improving the strength of the Cooperative to the benefit of all its growers.”
“Our Board of Directors and management have been actively communicating with members over the past three years and is committed to continuing to discuss the opportunities and solutions that are in the best interest of all growers in the Cooperative,” says Warren Sarafinchan, president and CEO.”
“Rising costs of farm inputs and weather events over the last three seasons have put significant pressure on all growers. As a grower-owned Cooperative, we place growers first in everything that we do, and we are confident that the facility decisions we have made, while difficult, are necessary for the future of the Cooperative and are key to improving grower incomes as quickly as possible.”
BC Tree Fruits Cooperative is the largest packer and marketer of tree fruits in the Okanagan valley comprised of more than 270 local grower families who produce a variety of tree fruit commodities including apples, cherries, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, prunes, plums, and table grapes. BC Tree Fruits head office is in Kelowna, BC.
Source: BC Tree Fruits Cooperative November 23, 2022 news release