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Best management practices (BMPs) to minimize fungicide resistance have been added to  Fungicide resistance is already an issue in pulses, potatoes and fruit crops, according to Pierre Petelle, president and CEO of CropLife Canada.


Effectively managing fungicide resistance requires multiple strategies to promote both healthy plants and fungicide longevity, Petelle says. This will ultimately help maintain yield and crop quality. The website resources highlight three main factors that contribute to the development of fungicide resistance: agronomic factors, disease risk and fungicide risk.


In addition, the website features case studies profiling growers, crop advisors and researchers from across the country who share their experiences with fungicide resistance. In the near future, resources will be added to help growers manage insecticide resistance.


Source: CropLife Canada, March 13, 2019 news release

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 13 May 2019