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Ten years ago, the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre drove onto the on-ramp and has steadily moved into the fast lane. With dozens of research scientists on board in multiple disciplines, the impacts are now measureable in a new report.


Here are some of the successes impacting Canada’s $5.4 billion horticulture industry: 


  • Commercialization of the Cold Snap pear
  • 200,000 acres of Smitten apples to be planted by 2020
  • Appassimento technology to meet winemakers’ needs and consumer preferences
  • Storage recommendations for Sovereign Coronation grapes
  • Deep variant scanning, a proprietary approach to trait discovery
  • Growing and marketing advice to bring world crops to local markets
  • Research on biocontrol of thrips in greenhouse crops


These and other projects are explained in detail in Vineland’s Impact Report.  Go to:

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Submitted by The Grower on 4 November 2016