GreenTech, the popular horticultural show in Amsterdam, is slated for June 14-16, 2022. Biobest is one of the shortlisted candidates for its Trap-Eye concept.
- Based in Kingsville, Ontario, this indoor hydroponic strawberry farm is running a social media contest in partnership with two local markets. The prize for two winners is a month’s free supply of strawberries and a personalized tour of the…
- The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity has announced February 15, 2023 as the date for the next celebration of Canada’s agriculture sector. One bright milestone? Canada surged to $82 billion in agricultural exports in 2021 -- $7B ahead of the target…
- The pandemic, extreme climate change and the impacts of Russia’s unwarranted attack on Ukraine are undermining food security and driving up prices says Canada’s ag minister Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau.
- Farms in Canada reported the total greenhouse area for fruit and vegetables was 219.7 million square feet in 2021, which accounted for around two-thirds (66.5%) of Canada's total greenhouse area.