Parasol FL fungicide is now available for pome and stone fruit growers. It’s aimed at fire blight, coryneum blight, bacterial blight, eastern filbert blight, bacterial canker and leaf curl.
- The manufacturers of Chateau herbicide have been granted a new label expansion for control of suckers on hops and management of other labeled weeds.
- BASF Canada Inc. (BASF) has been granted a new label expansion for Frontier Max herbicide for control of annual grasses and key broadleaf weeds in potatoes. In addition to its expanded label on potatoes, Frontier Max is also registered for use on…
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency has agreed to restart the review process for the commonly used fungicide mancozeb. However, the decision stands on metiram.
- Late blight has been confirmed in a potato field near Alliston, Ontario, just days after the US23 strain was identified in Michigan state. Crop protection fungicides are recommended.