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Workplace health and safety are about more than keeping people protected from injury: it’s an investment in your employees and your business success, says Kristin Hoffman, a consultant with the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS). 


Competing priorities, such as we’ve experienced during the pandemic, can understandably pull focus in many directions. This year, more than ever, it’s critical to focus on the team. 


Your Ontario workplace may be eligible for up to $2,000 of services tailored to your needs, paid for by the Canadian Agricultural PartnershipDeadline for application is March 15, 2022.


A comprehensive health and safety program will help you to strengthen continuity, productivity and your relationship with your workers. 


Recruiting, training, and retaining workers are no small expense and it’s already tough to bring workers into horticulture.  Dealing with a lost-time injury can have a significant impact on productivity and the ability to meet your customer obligations.


Some of the specific business benefits of a comprehensive health and safety program include:


-  Positive employee morale and a reduction in turnover


-  Fewer sick days


-  Consistent customer service


-  Stable production


-  Positive impact on your business’ reputation and brand capital


-  A competitive advantage when recruiting new talent


-  Lower Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) costs


An online COVID‐19 safety plan builder can be found at, along with the existing safety plan guide and other helpful resources. The interactive platform can be used to develop custom safety plans.


Through Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), farmers and agri-food businesses can access professional advice and consulting services to help them with their COVID-19 recovery needs.


The following workplaces are eligible:


-  Employers, farm sector organizations and farm associations


-  Provincially licensed meat plants


-  Other food processors who employ 1-49 employees


 WSPS can assist with:


-  Written COVID-19 workplace safety plans


-  Complimentary resources available at, including sample Safety Plans


-  Assessing the workplace hazards and providing recommendations


-  Review of controls and protocols related to preventing transmission of COVID-19


-  How to support worker mental health


Telephone: 1-877-494-9777 to speak with a WSPS customer service representative





Source:  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.

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Submitted by Karen Davidson on 21 February 2022