The leadership of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Assocation remains unchanged for 2025. Shawn Brenn was re-elected as the organization’s chair and Mike Chromczak was re-elected as vice chair at a board meeting following the organization’s annual general meeting in Niagara Falls, February 18.
“It’s my honour to lead this organization for another year and I appreciate the support from the OFVGA’s strong board and staff team in this role,” says Brenn. “Issues around trade, grower profitability, labour and regulatory burden will remain priority files for the OFVGA this year and we will continue to work hard to put grower needs and concerns in front of provincial decision-makers as well as support local and national advocacy efforts.”
Brenn is president of Brenn-B Farms Ltd near Waterdown, where the fourth-generation family business grows potatoes, onions, cilantro and dill, and corn, soybeans and wheat as rotation crops. He represents the potato sector on the OFVGA board and is also chair of the Ontario Potato Board. Brenn has led the OFVGA since 2023, after a one-year term as vice chair.
Chromczak, who has been OFVGA’s vice chair since 2023, is owner and operator of M&J Chromczak Farms Inc, and a grower of asparagus, watermelon and row crops. He is also chair of the Asparagus Farmers of Ontario, chair of the OFVGA’s Safety Nets Committee and co-chair of the Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition.
Chris Hedges joins the board as the director representing apples, taking over from Brian Rideout who has stepped down from the board. Rideout was also chair of the OFVGA Crop Protection Committee, an ex-officio role that is now being filled by Matt Sheppard.
Other directors on the board are Jan VanderHout and Steve Peters (both representing greenhouse), Glen Gilvesy (ginseng), Joanne Chechalk (fresh vegetable – other), David Enns (tender fruit), Morris Gervais (small fruit/berries), Matthias Oppenlaender (grapes), Tracy Gubbels (processing vegetables) and Quinton Woods (fresh vegetable – muck).
VanderHout is also chair of the Environment and Conservation Committee. Other ex-officio committee chairs include Bill George (Labour) and Brian Gilroy (Property, Infrastructure, Energy, and Food Safety). Brenn, Chromczak, Oppenlaender and Woods make up OFVGA’s executive.
Source: Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association February 20, 2025 news release