The Switch 62.5 WG fungicide label has been temporary expanded for suppression of Alternaria leaf blight on Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower in numerous Canadian provinces. The emergency registration is in effect from July 8, 2023 until…
- Federal agencies are reaching out proactively to Canadians on the move this summer, especially if they are returning from areas in the U.S. known to have spotted lanternfly. It’s an invasive pest known for its extensive damage to grapes,…
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency has approved an Emergency Use Registration for Success insecticide to suppress cabbage maggot on rutabaga grown in Ontario and Quêbec only. The time frame is from June 8, 2023 to June 7, 2024.
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency has approved a minor use label expansion for Posterity fungicide for suppression of Fusarium internal rot on greenhouse pepper and Botrytis grey mould in Canada.
- A new pathogen has been identified that infects hop leaves and cones, the aromatic flowers used in brewing. If not controlled, growers can lose between 20 and 50 per cent of their yield to the fungus.