Federal ag minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has announced a new Federal Ministerial Coordinating Committee on PEI potatoes to discuss how to open the border to exports to the U.S. Three of the committee’s ministers represent Atlantic Canada ridings:…
- The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has listed a job posting for horticulture sustainability specialist. The deadline is January 31.
- The Canadian Horticultural Council reports on how talks are proceeding for an industry-wide grocery code of conduct. The Competition Bureau has provided helpful counsel. The report is due to the federal, provincial and territorial ministers of…
- Register now for the January 24-29, 2022 Guelph Organic Conference. Ten workshops are on offer.
- The Canadian Federation of Agriculture has released its ‘What we Heard’ report from 129 agri-food sector stakeholders on next steps for national sustainability platform development and engagement activities until spring 2023.