CanadaGAP advises program participants and other stakeholders that the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manual for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manual for Greenhouse Product will NOT be reissued for 2025 (Version 10.0 2023 remains the most current version).
HOWEVER, CanadaGAP will be sending out a Correction Notice for the manuals. Details will be provided at that point. These corrections will not affect the version number of the manuals, but there is a technical issue that needs to be addressed going into the 2025 season (along with a few minor changes). Operations will be required to integrate these changes into their copy of the manual (changes will be clearly tracked).
Program participants can expect the Correction Notice in the coming weeks, in order to ensure they have more than enough time to implement changes before the April 1stimplementation date.
Updates to other CanadaGAP documents:
- Audit Checklist and Self-Declaration and Self-Assessment Checklist: Please note that the Audit Checklist and the Self-Declaration and Self-Assessment Checklist will be reissued and posted to the website prior to April 1, 2025 when revisions take effect. A revisions document showing the changes between the previous and the new versions of the audit checklist will be available at that time. Program participants and other stakeholders will be informed once the new versions are available.
- Corrective Actions Report: The Corrective Actions Report will also be reissued and posted to the website prior to April 1, 2025.
If you have questions, please contact the CanadaGAP office by calling 613-829-4711 or by emailing info@canadagap.ca.
Source: CanadaGAP January 7, 2025 newsletter