Canadian researchers and extension workers have led an international team to study downy mildew on hops. It’s a project that’s made the top 10 list of the Global Minor Use Foundation.
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency is cancelling the use of chlorpyrifos insecticide in fruits and vegetables. An extended phase-out period is granted for garlic.
- Marrone Bio Innovations is launching its biofungicide for broad-spectrum suppression of diseases such as downy mildew, Botrytis and Sclerotinia. It will be distributed by Cohort Wholesale.
- Cohort Wholesale, a new Canadian distributor, will be providing logistics, technical sales and marketing support for ADAMA’s growing portfolio of fruit and vegetable crop protection products.
- The Zampro fungicide label has been expanded for management of downy mildew diseases on spinach and blackberries.