The Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association updates how farm employers might respond to the newly implemented underused housing tax.
- On the eve of World Water Day, March 22, the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute has released a report on the water concerns of Québec’s farmers and agri-food processors. Both quantity and quality of water are an issue.
- The Canadian Produce Marketing Association has named 18 rising stars who will be participating in the Passion for Produce program at the annual convention and trade show in Toronto.
- The annual general report shows a devastating drop in revenue, from $111 million in 2021 to $62 million in 2022. The 56 per cent drop was due to severe winterkill in vineyards from a deep freeze event.
- Ontario is introducing the highest fines in Canada for withholding worker passports. The legislation, if passed, will strengthen protections for migrant workers.