Charles Stevens, an apple grower from the Newcastle area east of Toronto, is the new chair of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (OFVGA). Potato grower Shawn Brenn of Waterdown assumes the role of vice chair. Both growers were elected to their new positions at the 163rd OFVGA annual general meeting, held virtually on February 22.
“This is a pivotal time for the Ontario fruit and vegetable sector as we continue to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and growers face many challenges, particularly with respect to labour, crop protection and the environment,” says Stevens. “I’m looking forward to continuing the good work this organization has been doing and making sure the issues that matter to growers are being heard by government - especially as we head into a provincial election later this spring.”
Stevens owns and operates Wilmot Orchards with his wife Judi and daughter Courtney, growing apples and pick-your-own blueberries. He’s also past chair of the Ontario Apple Growers and a recipient of the Golden Apple Award.
After three years as vice chair, Stevens takes over leadership of the OFVGA from grape grower Bill George. At the same time, Stevens is stepping down from his long-running role as chair of the OFVGA Crop Protection section; fellow apple grower Brian Rideout has been elected to fill that post.
Also new to the OFVGA board are Quinton Woods, representing fresh muck vegetable growers; Morris Gervais from Berry Growers of Ontario, Matthias Oppenlaender from Grape Growers of Ontario, and Joann Chechalk, who represents other fresh vegetable growers. Stepping down from their director positions are John Hambly, Norm Charbonneau, Bill George and Kenny Forth.
Also serving on the board are George Gilvesy (greenhouse), Jan VanderHout (greenhouse and Environment and Conservation section chair), Glen Gilvesy (ginseng), Brian Gilroy (Energy, Property, Infrastructure and Food Safety section chair), Ron VanDamme (processing vegetables) and Ken Forth (Labour section chair).
Source: Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association February 23, 2022 news release