BASF introduces new Versys insecticide for the 2019 season. It will quickly stop aphids feeding in fruit and vegetable crops.
- The Pest Management Regulatory Agency announced a final decision on ferbam, thiram and ziram fungicides on December 14.
- Valent, the manufacturers of Presidio fungicide have been granted a label expansion for control of downy mildew on field and greenhouse basil, and downy mildew of hops. The expansion also includes suppression of Phytophthora blight and pod rot and…
- Powdery mildew and botrytis are the targets of BASF’s new Serifel fungicide for grapes. Available for 2019, it can be used in conventional or organic production.
- Minecto Pro is registered in potatoes for control of Colorado potato beetle, European corn borer, spider mite, potato psyllid and flea beetle. It’s also registered to control labelled pests in apples, pears and various vegetable crops.