An Alberta potato grower is reducing use of synthetic fertilizers by brewing his own biological fertilizer with five strains of live bacteria that aid plant growth.
- The ambition of the Feenstra family – Rich, John and father Peter – continues to grow for Mountainview Orchards, Beamsville, Ontario. It’s a story of how to pitch the farm lender on a new packing line that not only improves efficiencies but the work environment for employees.
- The 2021 Canadian Census of Agriculture revealed the largest ever cohort of farmers aged 55-plus. Yet farmers are producing more with smart technology. Chris Sopuch is one of the farmers in the 35 and under category. He left a promising forestry career to farm with his dad near Bradford, Ontario.
- The branding of greenhouse vegetables – and fruits – has reached such sophistication that a kitchen was built inside the new marketing quarters of Pure Hothouse Foods’ sprawling greenhouse at Leamington, Ontario. Chris Veillon, chief marketing officer for the Pure Flavor brand consults with in-…
- The art of crop load management in orchards is about to become more automated thanks to Jenny Lemieux, co-founder and CEO of Vivid Machines. She huddles with Kirk Kemp, owner of Algoma Orchards, Newcastle, Ontario on advancements in sensors and machine learnings to detect and count blossoms and…